All Departments (except those listed below) Union St PO Box56 479 1100
Information Call Free 0800 808 098
Website www.otago.ac.nz
Other Departments
Student Accommodation Centre 109 St David St Dnedn 479 5100
Residential Colleges
Abbey College 479 4890
Aquinas College 479 5560
Arana College 479 5509
Carrington College 479 5533
City College 479 5590
Cumberland College 479 5570
Hayward College 479 5520
Knox College 473 0107
St Margaret's College 479 5540
Salmond College 473 0750
Selwyn College 477 3326
Studholme College 479 5504
Te Rangi Hiroa College 479 4330
Toroa College 479 5500
University College 479 5580
University of Otago Flats
105 St David St Dunedin 479 6535
Campus Watch
70 St David St Dnedn 479 5000
Call Free 0800 479 5000
Centre For Innovation
87 St David St Dunedin 0-3-479 8469
Child Care
Otago University Childcare Association 551 Castle St North
Office 471 4410
Department of Anatomy
Phone 479 7362
Body Bequest Programme Call Free 0800 580 500
Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health & Development Research Unit
Phone 479 8508
Dunedin School of Medicine
Gt King Street PO Box 56
Depts of General Practice & Rural Health,
Medicine, Pathology,
Preventive & Social Medicine,
Psychological Medicine, Surgical Sciences,
Women's & Children's Health 479 1100
Depts of Anaesthesia, Medicine, Obstetrics, &
Gynaecology, Ophthalmology
Orthopaedic Surgery,
Psychological Medicine, Surgery,
Paediatrics - Dunedin Hospital 474 0999
Executive Residence Boutique Hotel
68 Forth St 0-3-479 9151
Reservations Call Free 0800 685 685
Email execres@otago.ac.nz
Health Sciences Divisional Office
325 Great King St Dunedin PO Box647 479 1100
International Office
Phone 479 8344
Lecture Theatres
Bookings 479 5499
Lecture Theatre Hotline 479 8486
Co-ordinator 479 8380
Senior Technician 479 5208
Archway Theatres 0-3-479 5488
Castle Theatres 0-3-479 5768
College Campus Theatres 479 4560
South Campus Theatres 0-3-479 6525
St David Theatres 0-3-479 8485
General Enquiries 479 8910
Otago University Press
Level 1 398 Cumberland St Dunedin 0-3-479 8807
Facsimile 0-3-479 8385
Email university.press@otago.ac.nz
Otago University Print
Refer to Uniprint 479 8043
Proctor's Office
70 St David St Dnedn 479 4880
Psychology Department
General Enquiries 479 7644
Clinical Psychology Centre 479 7627
Psyc 100 Enquiries 479 7631
Psyc 200 Enquiries 479 6541
Psyc 300 Enquiries 479 6542
Recreation Services
Refer to Unipol Recreation Centre 479 5888
Research & Enterprise
Centre for Innovation cnr Castle & St David Sts Dunedin 0-3-479 8905
School of Dentistry
310 Gt King St PO Box 56
General Enquiries 479 8889
After Hours 479 8889
Accounts Enquiries 479 7016
Patient Enquires
Reception 1st Floor (Admissions & Hospital Dentistry Clinic) 479 7056
Reception Oral Surgery 479 7023
Reception 2nd Floor Clinic 479 7054
Reception 4th Floor Clinic 479 7104
Reception Staff Surgery 479 7112
Reception Orthodontic Clinic 479 7068
School of Physical Education, Sport & Exercise Sciences
Te Kura Para-Whakawai
46 Union St West Dnedn 479 8991
School of Physiotherapy
325 Great King Street
General Enquiries 479 7460
Physiotherapy Clinics 479 5757
Student Health Services
All Services 479 8212
Facsimile 0-3-479 8106
Unipol Recreation Centre
University Plaza Building One
Anzac Ave 479 5888
161 Albany St Dunedin 479 8043
Facsimile 479 8177
Web Site http://uniprint.otago.ac.nz
Email uniprint@otago.ac.nz
University of Otago Staff Club
Staff Club 0-3-479 5311
University of Otago Visitors' Centre
Cnr Cumberland and St David Sts Dnedn 479 5323
University Union
General Enquiries 479 5300
Conference and Event Enquiries 0-3-479 5304