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Presbyterian Support Otago

407 Moray Pl PO Box 374 Dunedin 9016

Show number Directions

Additional info

407 Moray Pl Dnedn PO Box374 477 7115


Family Works

Level 1, 407 Moray Place

Counselling, Foodbank, Welfare, Social Work & Buddy Programme 477 7116

Stepping Stones 470 0815


Aspiring Enliven Care Centre 0-3-555 3010

Elmslie House 81 Stone St Wanaka 0-3-443 7899

Holmdene 15-17 Elizabeth St 0-3-418 1468

Iona 549 Thames Hwy Oamaru OU 4371870

Ranui 4 Chapple St Alexandra 0-3-448 8280

Ross Home 360 North Rd NEVly Dunedin 473 0029

St Andrews 8 Easther Cre Kew 455 4396

Taieri Court Hartstonge Ave Mosgl Dunedin 489 6044

Taieri Court Meals On Wheels 489 6044

Enliven Visiting Volunteers, Individualised Funding

Club Enliven Maybank 473 0890

Milton Cottages Main Rd Milton DN 03-477 7115

Retirement Villages

Ranui Court, Alexandra 0-3-448 8280

Columba Court Oamaru OU 4371870

Wanaka Retirement Village 0-3-443 4474

Retail Outlets

Op Shop on St Andrew 59-61 St Andrew St Dunedin 477 5019

Shop on Carroll 10 Carroll St Dnedn 471 8249

Shop on Taieri 135 Gordon Rd Mosgl 489 1351

Youth Grow Garden Centre 146 Norwood St NEVly Dunedin 473 1334