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Presbyterian Support/ Enliven/ Family Works

215 Tancred St Ashburton

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Presbyterian Support/ Enliven/ Family Works

Conselling, Social Work, Earthquake Support, Volunteer Co-ordination & Group Programmes

44 Bealey Ave PO Box13-171 366 5472

Fax 379 6235


Community Services for Families and Older People

Counselling, Social Work, Group Programmes

44 Bealey Ave Christchurch 366 5472

Linwood Centre

Youth Service

601 Gloucester St Linwd 373 8280

KINECT(Manager) 385 0000

Fax 385 6584

Harakeke Clubs - Dementia Day Centres

7 a Harakeke St Riccn Christchurch 348 2666

601 Gloucester St Linwd Christchurch 373 8287

Totara Club Riccarton - Day Programme for Older People

7 Harakeke St Riccn Christchurch 348 1790


Counselling, Social Work, Group Education, Totara Club-Day Centre for Older People, Falls Prevention, HomeShare, Kaiawhina Support, Volunteer Co-ordination

258 High St Rngra 0-3-313 8588