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Presbyterian Support East Coast

cnr Knight & King Sts Hastings

Show number Directions

Additional info

Hillsbrook Administration Centre

87 Te Mata Rd PO Box8119 HvNth 877 8193

Facsimile 0-6-877 4681



Caring For Carers 281 2534

Charity Shop Joll Rd HvNth 877 5209

Charity Shop Gloucester St Tdale 845 0291

Cranford Hospice Shop 306 Queen St West, Hastings 870 6935

126 Dickens St Napier 835 6370

Cranford Hospice cnr Knight & King Sts Hastings 878 7047

Enliven Positive Ageing Services 281 2534

Enliven Connect 281 2534


Enliven Day Respite 281 2534

Enliven Restorative Home Support 281 2534

Family Works Hawke's Bay Cnr Lyndon Road/ Warren St Hastings 876 2156

HIPPY 876 2156

J H Mason Village,

18 Durham Dr, Havelock North

Enquiries 281 2534


Ph/Fax 429 A Gloucester St Tdale Napier 0-6-844 4636

Realpeople@rowan Office 429 Gloucester St Tdale Napier 844 6139

House One 845 1907

House Two 845 3190

The Scott Trust Fund 878 9059