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27A Moore St Rolleston

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PO Box7787 Sydhm 377 2540


The Playcentre Shop

17 Buchan St Sydhm 377 4354

Open during School Terms only

Mon-Sat 9am-2pm Wed 9am-4pm

Avonhead Playcentre 166 Waimairi Rd Christchurch 358 7922

Burwood Playcentre 241 New Brighton Rd Burwd Christchurch 0-3-385 4378

Brooklands Playcentre 6 A Heyders Rd Spenc Christchurch 329 2041

Diamond Harbour Playcentre Scout Den 20 Purau Ave DiHbr Christchurch 329 4515

Fendalton Playcentre 170 Clyde Rd Fendn Christchurch 0-3-351 6124

Harewood Playcentre 719 Harewood Rd Hwood Christchurch 0-3-359 5387

Landsdowne Terrace Playcentre Community Centre 8 Landsdowne Tce Cashm Christchurch 332 2140

Leeston Playcentre 4 May St Leeston 324 4161

Lincoln Playcentre 158 North Blt Lincn Christchurch 325 6158

Linwood Playcentre 628A Worcester St Linwd Christchurch 0-3-981 8188

Lyttelton Street Playcentre 81 Lyttelton Street Spreydon 332 9699

North Beach Playcentre 100 Leaver Tce NtBch Christchurch 980 7122

Parklands Playcentre 106 Queenspark Dve Prkld Christchurch 0-3-383 1929

Redwood Playcentre 40 Dunedin St Redwd Christchurch 0-3-352 9752

Rolleston Playcentre 27A Moore St Rolleston 347 2430

St Albans Playcentre 96 Philpotts Rd StAlb Christchurch 0-3-982 1643

Shirley Playcentre 61 Chancellor St Shrly Christchurch 0-3-980 0576

Somerfield Playcentre 47 Studholme St Smfld Christchurch 0-3-332 9505

Southbridge Playcentre High St Sthbr Christchurch 0-3-324 2713

Tai Tapu Playcentre Community Hall 815 Old Tai Tapu Rd TTapu Christchurch 329 6210