Te Tari Taiwhenua
General Enquiries
PO Box805, Wgtn 0800 257 887
Overseas Callers 64 4 495 7200
Births Deaths & Marriages
PO Box10 526, Wgtn 0800 22 52 52
Certificate Enquiries 0800 22 77 77
Charities Services
PO Box30 112, LHutt 0508 242 748
Website www.charities.govt.nz
Citizenship (NZ)
PO Box10 680, Wgtn 0800 22 51 51
Website www.citizenship.govt.nz
Community & Funding Advice
Lottery and COGS 0800 824 824
Website www.communitymatters.govt.nz
Community Advisory Services
Private Bag 3041, Rotorua 0-7-343 1680
Gambling Compliance
Licences for Gambling
(Housie, Raffles, Gaming Machines)
& Gambling Compliance 0800 257 887
Harbourmaster - Lake Taupo
refer Harbourmaster in Taupo Section
Passports (NZ)
PO Box1568, Wgtn 0800 22 50 50
Website www.passports.govt.nz
The Translation Service
PO Box805, Wgtn 0800 872 675
Other Services
Anti-Spam www.antispam.govt.nz
Apostille Certification and Document Authentication 0800 872 675
Censorship Compliance 0800 257 887
Congratulatory Message Service 0800 225 252
NZ Gazette www.gazette.govt.nz
Office of Ethnic Communities www.ethniccommunities.govt.nz