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IDEA Services

1 Shirley Rd Shirley Christchurch

Show number Directions

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IDEA is an IHC service in your community

Christchurch/North Canterbury Area Office

Level 1, 14 Birmingham Dve Mdltn PO Box27202 Shrly 341 9200

Vocational Day Services

Burwood Outwork Team 0-3-383 0116

Conservation Team Mobile 0-27-241 3027

Ferrymead Outwork Team 376 4056

101 Mandeville Riccn 0-3-343 6930

655 Ferry Wlstn 0-3-389 7750

Clearbrook Briggs Rd 385 1390


Aorangi Rd Brynd 351 6223

Buckhurst Ave Wigrm 348 6480

Burrows Pl Avnhd 357 0960

Champion St StAlb 374 6500

Chelsea St NthLn 381 5642

Dalwood Dve Wigrm 348 8216

Delaware Cre Avnhd 342 8059

Earl St Opawa 332 8602

Forest Dve Prkld 383 9398

Glastonbury Dve Burwd 383 7946

Hills Rd Chrch 385 7398

Mountfort St Sprey 338 6503

Roberta Dve Sprey 337 1178

Sawyers Arms Rd Bishd Christchurch 360 2260

Sawyers Arms Rd Bishd Christchurch 359 7784

Sawyers Arms Rd Bishd Christchurch 359 4233

Sawyers Arms Rd Bishd Christchurch 359 6133

St Lukes St Chrch 384 8391

Travis Country Dve Burwd Christchurch 383 6391

Wanaka Pl Shrly 385 3983

Willowview Dve Redwd 354 1935

IDEA Services Supported Living 341 9200