Fully flexible In-Home Childcare. Available 24/7 364 days a year. Ideal for Dairy Farmers starting at 5am to Mothers needing respite or even time-out to go to the gym.
PAUA promotes an Individual Learning Programme for your child. Parents love the ever-changing supply of stimulating age-appropriate educational toys & puzzles that aid learning objectives.
Plus, each month you receive Photographic Learning Stories - reports about your child's progress as seen by their Visiting Teacher. We also have playgroups, community outings, Christmas breakups and more!
PAUA offers free support and advice for Educators. Parents pay Educators directly - not via PAUA. As such, many of our Educators are Grandparents looking after their grandchildren.
Free 20Hours ECE and WINZ Subsidies are available for Children Over 3 years. PAUA is a unique and innovative service that encourages Christian values for Central and Lower North Island and Christchurch families.
Visit our website or call today for more information!