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Club Physical

cnr Queen & Victoria Sts CBD Auckland Central Auckland

Show number Directions

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Franchise Support Office 417 0080

Facsimile 0-9-416 0370

Albany 2 Rothwell Ave Albny Auckland 414 3971

Birkenhead Shopping Centre Bhead 419 2500

Botany South 308 Te Irirangi Dve Auckl 272 1670

Club Physical Women cnr Queen & Victoria Sts CBD AkCen Auckland 0-9-369 1850

Downtown cnr Customs & Albert Sts AkCen 358 0054

New Lynn 1 Margan Ave NewLn 827 5093

Karangahape Rd, CBD 184 Karangahape Rd Nwton 369 5834

Te Atatu 278 Te Atatu Rd TeAta 834 5042

Three Kings 540 Mt Albert Rd TKngs 625 0235

Westgate Westgate Shopping Centre 0-9-833 3306
