Website www.baptist.org.nz
Chinese Baptist Church
24 Donald McLean St Newtn 389 4152
Gateway Baptist Church, Miramar
33 Park Rd PO Box15-099 Mrmar 388 6535
Website www.gatewaybaptist.org.nz
Hosanna Fellowship Porirua
2 Driver Cre Porirua 237 6663
Hutt City
132 - 146 High St LHutt 566 0467
Website www.huttbaptist.org.nz
161-163 Karori Rd Krori 476 9697
Lyall Bay
Church Office 4 Resolution St LyllB Wellington 387 9178
Maungaraki Church Centre
164 Dowse Dve LHutt 586 0216
Meets at 50 Bracken Rd PO Box26-053 Nwlds 976 5413
North Porirua
Discovery Dve Whtby 234 7336
77 Ruapehu St PO Box66 Param 0-4-298 7766
38 Buick St Petne PO Box38-556 WgMCr 971 6250
River of Life Centre
774 High St Avlon 577 3211
6 Akatarawa Rd UHutt 526 8708
225-229 Main Rd PO Box51-127 Tawa 232 6769
Hall & Foyer 232 8737
Titahi Bay
Kura St PO Box52002 TthiB 236 7798
Upper Hutt
Church 1 Milton St UHutt 528 3454
286 Te Moana Rd Waikanae 0-4-293 6810
Wainuiomata Baptist Church
38 Wainuiomata Rd 564 7022
Wellington Central
46 Boulcott St Wgtn 472 1920
Website www.central.org.nz
Wellington South
Church 284 The Parade IsldB Wellington 383 6888