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Anglican Churches of Wellington

32 Mulgrave St Thorndon Wellington

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Anglican Churches of Wellington

Anglican Diocese Of Wellington

Anglican Centre

18 Eccleston Hil Wellington PO Box12-046 472 1057

Diocesan and Bishop's Office 472 1057

Wellington Cathedral of St Paul

PO Box 12044, Wellington 6144 472 0286


Anglican Missions Board

32 Mulgrave St Thndn 473 5172

Anglican Church Pension Board

32 Mulgrave St Wellington 0-4-473 9369

Anglican Care

The Family Centre 71 Woburn Rd Lower Hutt 569 7112

Girl's Friendly Society Inc PO Box 17-247 Wellington 472 6265

Mission to Seafarers Chaplain Home 479 8401

Mobile 0-22-620 2440

Wellington Seafarers' Centre Shed 51, Aotea Quay, Centreport, Wellington 473 7929

Wellington City Mission 245 0900


Avalon - Holy Trinity, 4 Gordon St LHutt 567 7710

Brooklyn - St Matthew's Co-Operating

96 Washington Ave Brooklyn 389 3470

Chinese Mission

30 - 50 Glenmore St Thorndon Wellington 472 7626

Hall 472 8543

Churton Park 40 A Halswater Dve 478 4099


Eastbourne -St Alban's 11 Ngaio St Eastb Lower Hutt 562 6269

Vicarage 562 6076

Hataitai-Kilbirnie All Saints' 90 Hamilton Rd Hatai 971 2142

Island Bay-Parish Office - St Hilda's 311 The Parade IsldB 383 8547

Johnsonville - St John's Parish Office PO Box 13-253 Johnsonville Wellington 973 1729

Kapiti Parish Office, Paraparaumu 0-4-904 7300

Karori Anglican Churches

170 Karori Rd, Parish Office 476 8978


Early Childhood Centre 476 0319

The SMASH Club 0-4-476 2747

Kelburn, St Michaels Upland Rd Kelbn Wellington 934 9338

Lower Hutt, St James's 71 Woburn Rd LHutt 569 6737

PO Box 30-254, LHutt

Vicar 569 7685

Miramar-Seatoun-Strathmore Parish Office 380 7174

Opshop 89 388 9042

Vicar 388 8640

Naenae-Epuni St David's, Seddon St, Naenae Office 567 2995

Priest in Charge 567 3068

Newlands/Paparangi Church Office, 196 Newlands Rd, Newlands 973 8470

Newtown, St Thomas', 200 Riddiford St 976 7015

Northland-Wilton+ cnr Northland & Randwick Rds Nthld 475 9085

Onslow St Barnabas, 35 Boxhill, Khndn

Parish Office PO Box22-248 Khndh 970 1121



Pauatahanui Parish Office 11 Steyne Ave Plim 233 9781

Petone St Augustine's 12 Britannia St 568 5309

Porirua St St Anne's, 2 Arawhata Street, Ranui Porirua Mobile 0-27-944 4996

Roseneath - St Barnabas 15 Maida Vale Rd Rsnth 976 1835

Silverstream - Parish Office Terminus Street, Silverstream, Upper Hutt 977 1984

St Marks, The Basin Reserve, Wellington 385 8536

St Peter's on Willis

Parish Office PO Box 11903, Manners Street 382 8486


Stokes Valley 4 Rawhiti St StkVy 563 8069

Tawa - Linden

St Christopher's and Parish Office, 1 Lyndhurst Rd PO Box 51-023 Tawa 232 8448

St Peter's, Linden 232 4368


Titahi Bay St Matthew's 236 8980

St John's Trentham 561 Fergusson Dve UHutt 528 5588

Vicarage 528 6621

St Hilda's Upper Hutt Church and Office 35 Cruickshank Rd UHutt 939 1659

Wadestown St Luke's 34 Pitt St Wdstn Wellington 473 6472

Waikanae Parish

Parish Office cnr Elizabeth & Pehi Kupa Sts Wknae WAE - 9043018


Holy Trinity, 40 Wainui Rd 564 1169

Waiwhetu St Paul's, 76 Waiwhetu Rd Wtrlo 566 2002

Whitby St Mary's Church & Office PO Box 58103 Whitby 234 7088