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IDEA Services

Swanson Rd Henderson Auckland

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IDEA Services

Refer also IHC NZ INC

IDEA is an IHC Service in your community

Northern Regional Office

Level One 3 Margot St Nwmkt PO Box8072 SysSt 523 4198


48 Enterprise St PO Box34-287 Bhead 529 8739

Op Shop

50 Mokoia Rd Bhead 419 1957

Vocational Day Services

Kingswood Centre

13 Fraser Ave Ncote Auckland 419 9310

Residential Services

Birkdale Rd Bdale 482 0395

Birkdale Rd Bdale 483 8194

Black Teal Cre UwthH 444 4773

Brunton Pl Glnfd 442 0475

Brunton Pl Glnfd 440 9657

Brunton Pl Glnfd 440 9371

Centorian Dve MriBy 478 0925

Chivalry Rd Glnfd 444 6525

College Rd Ncote 480 5926

Lancaster Rd BcHvn 483 6137

Lauderdale Rd Bdale 483 8651

Mahoney Dve Albny 442 5193

Moore St Ncote 418 0625

O'Brien Rd Rhead 415 9799

Opal Clo Albny 415 9040

St Lucia Pl UwthH 443 2561

Sandpiper Gro UwthH 443 5845

Seabreeze Rd Devpt 445 0586

Seabreeze Rd Devpt 445 7308

Seabreeze Rd Devpt 445 0414

Sylvia Rd Ncote 419 1511

Tiri Tiri Rd Bdale 483 8172

Unsworth Dve UwhHt 441 7684

Unsworth Dve UwhHt 441 7685


Area Office 3047 Great North Rd NewLn 529 8758


Brittany Dve Hendn 838 5304

Burch St MtAlb Auckland 846 4340

Buscomb Ave Hendn 837 1257

Chadlington Ave Hendn 835 4374

Christian Rd Swnsn Auckland 833 3133

Christian Rd Swnsn Auckland 832 1272

Fontenoy St MtAlb 815 5307

Foundation Pl GlenE 818 2090

Frank Evans Pl Hendn 836 1838

Hereford St TAtPn 834 6580

Hetherington Rd Swnsn 833 3423

Hetherington Rd Swnsn 833 3436

Holdens Rd Wtrua 837 3449

Lynwood Rd Klstn Auckland 827 5057

May Rd MtRkl 620 8006

Maurice Borich Pl Hendn 838 3980

Methuen Rd Avndl Auckland 828 8592

Methuen Rd Avndl 828 2184

Mihini Rd Ranui Auckland 838 2086

Paramount Dve Hendn Auckland 838 5122

Reybert Pl Massy Auckland 833 8375

Richardson Rd MtRkl 815 2475

Stottholm Rd GrnBy 817 1574

Summerland Dve WsHts Auckland 837 1045

Summerland Dve WsHts 838 7317

Swanson Rd Hendn Auckland 836 1566

Swanson Rd Hendn 837 5695

Tirimoana Rd Gdene 837 3241

Tirimoana Rd Gdene 838 7254

Tiroroa Ave TAtaS 837 8371

Veronica St NewLn 826 0543

IDEA Services Supported Living

43 Veronica St NewLn Auckland 826 0553


33 Lambie Dve PO Box98-047 MkauC 529 8790

Vocational Day Services

Gt South Rd Auckl 278 6405

Dalgety Dve Mnkau 269 6254

Dawson Rd Otara 274 5569

Arthur St Onnga 636 7985

Reeves Rd Pknga 572 0073

Ryan Pl Mnkau 263 0283


Atarangi Rd Grnln 522 2141

Bailey Rd MtWel 571 0308

Ballycullanie Pl Dmora 250 4054

Belcoo Cre ETmki 278 2643

Burswood Dve Pknga Auckland 271 6395

Cadman Ave OneTH 579 9707

Cameron St OneTH 634 3591

Cascades Rd Pknga 576 3665

Claude Ave Ptoe 278 6087

Claude Rd Mrewa 269 7602

Dulwich Pl ETmki Auckland 274 5369

Great South Rd Ptoe 279 3473

Great South Rd Ptoe 278 9046

Hayes Pl Pknga Auckland 577 1926

Hoheria Rd Onnga 634 5385

Inkerman St Onnga 636 8323

Kenderdine Rd Ptoe 278 6571

Kenderdine Rd Ptoe 278 9743

Lutana Pl ETmki Auckland 271 4413

McRae Rd MtWel 527 4004

Mahon Pl Ptoe 278 1625

Matuku Pl Ptoe 278 0559

Miramar Pl Pknga 576 1375

Motatau Rd Ptoe Auckland 277 0306

Redcastle Dve ETmki 271 0058

Regent St Ptoe 278 7020

Regent St Ptoe 279 7193

Tawa Rd OneTH 634 6798

Tide Clo MtWel Auckland 570 9837

Trovare Pl BtyDn Auckland 271 0172


6 Roulston St Pukekohe PO Box476 529 8748

Vocational Day Services

Oakleigh Ave Takni 268 0713


Clark Rd Pkura 296 0725

Edmund Hillary Ave Pkura 299 6383

Elliot St Pkura 296 1586

Grove Rd Pkura 298 3429

Longford Park Dve Pkura 299 6649

Longford Park Dve Pkura 296 2715

Manse Rd Pkura 299 6671

Ruth St Mrewa 268 0322

Sunnypark Ave Pkura 296 5204

Walter Stevens Dve CnfGv 298 1493